Friday, July 18, 2008

Proffitt's Porch

This month's Sunday School Social was at Proffitt's Porch, and we had a blast. It was a great time to get to know some of our new members better, meet visitors, and the kids loved the sand. We try to meet the first Friday night of each month. If there is a change, I'll post it. If you are looking for a class, but would like to meet everyone first, come join us. We love visitors. I am posting some pics from the Proffitt's Porch Social. ~ Celeste


heatherclardy said...

Hey. I wanted to be the first one to leave a message on this fab blog. Thanks Celeste! You are the bomb.

The Murphy's said...

Cute!! Love it! Yall did a great job. We hope to be at the next get together